





南宫NG28是一家专业生产优质蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体、陶瓷矩鞍环的现代化企业,拥有悠久的生产历史,雄厚的手艺实力和先进的工艺装备 。公司多年致力于高品质、高性能产品的生产研发,注重科技立异,起劲开发研制环保型蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体、鞍形散堆陶瓷矩鞍环填料,为化工、冶金与汽车行业的节能、减排做出了卓越的孝顺 。诚信务实,字斟句酌是我们一直坚持的准则,锐意立异,卓越品质是我们一直追求的目的 。竭诚要求海内外新老 南宫NG28是一家专业生产优质蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体、陶瓷矩鞍环的现代化企业,拥有悠久的生产历史,雄厚的手艺实力和先进的工艺装备 。公司多年致力于高品质、高性能产品的生产研发,注重科技立异,起劲开发研制环保型蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体、鞍形散堆陶瓷矩鞍环填料,为化工、冶金与汽车行业的节能、减排做出了卓越的孝顺 。 诚信务实,字斟句酌是我们一直坚持的准则,锐意立异,卓越品质是我们一直追求的目的 。竭诚要求海内外新老朋侪同营生长,同创绚烂,共创双赢 。 Fuzhou Xinxianglong Electric Porcelain Co., Ltd.?is a modern enterprise specializing in producing high-quality honeycomb ceramic regenerator and ceramic saddle ring. It has a long production history, strong technical force and advanced process equipment. The company has devoted itself to the research and development of high-quality and high-performance products for many years, focusing on scientific and technological innovation, actively developing and developing environmentally friendly honeycomb ceramic regenerator and saddle-shaped bulk ceramic moment saddle ring filler, which has made outstanding contributions to energy saving and emission reduction in the chemical, metallurgical and automotive industries. ? Integrity, pragmatism and excellence are the principles we constantly adhere to, innovation and excellent quality are the goals we constantly pursue. We sincerely request new and old friends at home and abroad to seek common development, create brilliance and win-win situation.

陶瓷蓄热体 - 蓄热性能下降的缘由

蓄热体是一个要害部件 。但从现实应用来看,陶瓷蓄热体寿命往往不尽人意,缘故原由是多方面的 。陶瓷蓄热体蓄热性能下降体现在以下方面:?1.破损 。烟气与空气对蓄热体重复冲洗,导致福建陶瓷蓄热体的温度泛起频仍转变,关于蓄热箱中某一点来讲,其温度要周期性地快速升高和降低100—200℃,这种热攻击对蓄热体质料有一定的破损作用 。其耐急冷急热性能往往欠好,容易泛起破损征象 。?2.烧损 。多室(两室)蓄热式加热炉中,由于空气和天燃气的喷嘴很大,空气、天燃气气流混淆效果不睬想,会导致不完全燃烧 。当剩余的空气和天燃气进入蓄热体狭窄的空间内混淆,导致二次燃烧从而损坏蓄热体 。?3.熔化软化 。因烟气中含有氧化铁等杂质,一直与蓄热体接触,在燃烧室高温条件下,形成低热熔物,降低质料的软熔温度 。后面造成软熔质料梗塞气流通道,造成气流欠亨 。 蓄热体是一个要害部件 。但从现实应用来看,陶瓷蓄热体寿命往往不尽人意,缘故原由是多方面的 。 陶瓷蓄热体蓄热性能下降体现在以下方面: ? 1.破损 。烟气与空气对蓄热体重复冲洗,导致福建陶瓷蓄热体的温度泛起频仍转变,关于蓄热箱中某一点来讲,其温度要周期性地快速升高和降低100—200℃,这种热攻击对蓄热体质料有一定的破损作用 。其耐急冷急热性能往往欠好,容易泛起破损征象 。 ? 2.烧损 。多室(两室)蓄热式加热炉中,由于空气和天燃气的喷嘴很大,空气、天燃气气流混淆效果不睬想,会导致不完全燃烧 。当剩余的空气和天燃气进入蓄热体狭窄的空间内混淆,导致二次燃烧从而损坏蓄热体 。 ? 3.熔化软化 。因烟气中含有氧化铁等杂质,一直与蓄热体接触,在燃烧室高温条件下,形成低热熔物,降低质料的软熔温度 。后面造成软熔质料梗塞气流通道,造成气流欠亨 。 ? The regenerator is a key component. However, from the practical point of view, the life of ceramic regenerators is often unsatisfactory, for a variety of reasons. The thermal storage performance of ceramic regenerators is reduced in the following aspects: ? 1. Damaged. Flue gas and air repeatedly wash the regenerator, causing frequent changes in the temperature of the Fujian ceramic regenerator. For a certain point in the regenerator, the temperature should be periodically increased and lowered 100-200 °C periodically. The thermal shock has a certain destructive effect on the heat storage material. Its resistance to quenching and rapid heat is often poor, and it is prone to breakage. ? 2. Burning. In a multi-chamber (two-chamber) regenerative heating furnace, due to the large nozzles of air and natural gas, the mixing effect of air and natural gas airflow is not ideal, resulting in incomplete combustion. When the remaining air and natural gas enter the space where the regenerator is narrow, the secondary combustion causes secondary combustion to damage the regenerator. ? 3. Melt and soften. Because the flue gas contains impurities such as iron oxide, it continuously contacts the regenerator, and under the high temperature condition of the combustion chamber, a low hot melt is formed to lower the reflow temperature of the material. The back causes the reflow material to block the airflow path, causing the airflow to fail.


RTO陶瓷蓄热体在燃烧炉中会爆发什么作用?  RTO装置中对热交流起到要害作用的是蓄热填充物,也称蓄热体,常用陶瓷质料做成 。  在陶瓷蓄热体方面,现在在RTO中经常使用的基本上照旧陶瓷散堆填料和陶瓷规整填料两大类 。在散堆填料方面:早先接纳化工中常用瓷球和陶瓷锯鞍环,用的较多的是陶瓷矩鞍环  现代陶瓷矩鞍环在启齿面积和气流通道设计上有很大刷新,从而进一步避免了填料的相叠和降低气流通过填料床层时的压力损失 。?从现在RTO装备手艺的进一步生长来看,首先是镌汰排放,就要求改善燃烧器的设计和燃烧历程,特殊是对燃烧温度的控制,以及接纳电加热来替换油/气燃料,借以阻止添加辅助燃料燃烧和高温可能引起的二次污染;其次是研究怎样提高气速 ?⑿矢叩男钊忍謇此跣∽爸玫娜莼,借以降低投资用度;刷新气体的初始漫衍来提高蓄热体的有用使用率和传热效果;刷新切换阀来延伸其使用寿命;进一步开发装置中诸参数的自动检测控制,为了提高操作的清静性和可靠性,尚有许多值得研究的问题 。别的,RTO装备的数值盘算和盘算机模拟可用于明确历程的操作行为和优化装备的设计,并在某些方面可替换RTO的中心试验来节约用度 。  RTO处置惩罚手艺适用于高浓度有机废气、涂装废气、恶臭废气(废气浓度在500mg/L以上)等废气净化处置惩罚;适用于废气因素经常爆发转变或废气中含有使催化剂中毒或活性衰退的因素(如水银,锡,锌等的金属蒸汽和磷、磷化物,砷等,容易使催化剂失去活性;含卤素和大宗的水蒸气的情形),含有卤素碳氢化合物及其它具侵蚀性的有机气体 。催化燃烧(RCO)虽然相比蓄热式燃烧(RTO)处置惩罚手艺具有一定手艺优势,可是RCO不适用于含金属蒸汽及卤素的废气,由于容易引起催化剂中毒 。RTO陶瓷蓄热体    从现在RTO装置手艺的进一步生长看,RTO蓄热式燃烧炉势必成为一种新的有机废气、涂装废气、恶臭废气等废气净化处置惩罚行业的第1选择 。 RTO陶瓷蓄热体在燃烧炉中会爆发什么作用?    RTO装置中对热交流起到要害作用的是蓄热填充物,也称蓄热体,常用陶瓷质料做成 。    在陶瓷蓄热体方面,现在在RTO中经常使用的基本上照旧陶瓷散堆填料和陶瓷规整填料两大类 。在散堆填料方面:早先接纳化工中常用瓷球 和陶瓷锯鞍环,用的较多的是陶瓷矩鞍环 。 ? 现代陶瓷矩鞍环在启齿面积和气流通道设计上有很大刷新,从而进一步避免了填料的相叠和降低气流通过填料床层时的压力损失 。 ? 从现在RTO装备手艺的进一步生长来看,首先是镌汰排放,就要求改善燃烧器的设计和燃烧历程,特殊是对燃烧温度的控制,以及接纳电加热来替换油/气燃料,借以阻止添加辅助燃料燃烧和高温可能引起的二次污染;其次是研究怎样提高气速 ?⑿矢叩男钊忍謇此跣∽爸玫娜莼,借以降低投资用度;刷新气体的初始漫衍来提高蓄热体的有用使用率和传热效果;刷新切换阀来延伸其使用寿命 。进一步开发装置中诸参数的自动检测控制,为了提高操作的清静性和可靠性,尚有许多值得研究的问题 。别的,RTO装备的数值盘算和盘算机模拟可用于明确历程的操作行为和优化装备的设计,并在某些方面可替换RTO的中心试验来节约用度 。    RTO处置惩罚手艺适用于高浓度有机废气、涂装废气、恶臭废气(废气浓度在500mg/L以上)等废气净化处置惩罚;适用于废气因素经常爆发转变或废气中含有使催化剂中毒或活性衰退的因素(如水银,锡,锌等的金属蒸汽和磷、磷化物,砷等,容易使催化剂失去活性;含卤素和大宗的水蒸气的情形),含有卤素碳氢化合物及其它具侵蚀性的有机气体 。催化燃烧(RCO)虽然相比蓄热式燃烧(RTO)处置惩罚手艺具有一定手艺优势,可是RCO不适用于含金属蒸汽及卤素的废气,由于容易引起催化剂中毒 。    从现在RTO装置手艺的进一步生长看,RTO蓄热式燃烧炉势必成为一种新的有机废气、涂装废气、恶臭废气等废气净化处置惩罚行业的第1选择 。 ? What role does RTO ceramic regenerator play in the furnace? ? The key to the heat exchange in the RTO device is the heat storage filler, also known as the heat storage body, which is usually made of ceramic material. ? In terms of ceramic regenerators, the two types currently used in RTO are basically ceramic bulk packing and ceramic structured packing. In the case of random packing: the porcelain ball and the ceramic saw saddle ring used in the chemical industry were originally used, and the ceramic saddle ring was used more. ? Modern ceramic saddle rings have been greatly improved in opening area and airflow passage design to further prevent stacking of the packing and reduce pressure loss as the gas flows through the packed bed. ? From the further development of RTO equipment technology, the first is to reduce emissions, and it is required to improve the design and combustion process of the burner, especially the control of combustion temperature, and the use of electric heating instead of oil/gas fuel to avoid adding auxiliary. Secondary pollution caused by fuel combustion and high temperature; secondly, how to increase gas velocity. Develop high-efficiency regenerators to reduce the volume of the device, thereby reducing investment costs; improving the initial distribution of gas to improve the effective utilization and heat transfer of the regenerator; and improving the switching valve to extend its service life. Further development of automatic detection and control of parameters in the device, in order to improve the safety and reliability of the operation, there are still many problems worth studying. In addition, numerical calculations and computer simulations of RTO equipment can be used to understand the operational behavior of the process and to optimize the design of the equipment, and in some respects can replace RTO intermediate tests to save money. ? The RTO treatment technology is suitable for the purification of exhaust gases such as high-concentration organic waste gas, painted exhaust gas, and odorous exhaust gas (exhaust gas concentration above 500mg/L); it is suitable for the frequent changes of exhaust gas components or the components in the exhaust gas that cause catalyst poisoning or activity degradation ( Metal vapors such as mercury, tin, zinc, etc., and phosphorus, phosphide, arsenic, etc., tend to deactivate the catalyst; in the case of halogens and large amounts of water vapor, contain halogen hydrocarbons and other corrosive organic gases. Although catalytic combustion (RCO) has certain technical advantages over regenerative combustion (RTO) treatment technology, RCO is not suitable for exhaust gas containing metal vapor and halogen because it is easy to cause catalyst poisoning. ? From the further development of the current RTO device technology, the RTO regenerative incinerator is bound to become the first choice for a new exhaust gas purification treatment industry such as organic waste gas, painted exhaust gas and odorous exhaust gas.


三种环保常用填料,你是不是只熟悉矩鞍环填料?逐步看,多看有益无害呢!  1、蹊径环填料蹊径环填料是对鲍尔环的刷新 。与鲍尔环相比,蹊径环高度减半,并在一端增添了锥形法兰 。  随着纵横比的减小,填料外壁周围的气体的平均路径大大减小,从而降低了气体通过填料层的阻力 。锥形法兰不但增添了填料的机械强度,并且使填料和点接触之间的主要接触,不但增添了填料之间的间隙,并且成为液体流动的网络和疏散点 。填料外貌 。它可以增进液膜的外貌更新,有利于提高传质效率 。  蹊径环的综合性能优于鲍尔环 。可是没有矩鞍环填料好用 。  2、矩鞍环填料矩鞍环填料将弧鞍填料两头的弧形面改为矩形面,且两面巨细不等,即成为矩鞍环填料 。  矩鞍环填料群集时不会套叠,液体漫衍较匀称 。矩鞍环填料一样平常接纳瓷质质料制成,其性能优于拉西环 。成为所使用的环形填料中较为优良的一种 。  3、金属环矩鞍填料环形鞍填料(外洋称为Intalox)是一种新型填料,具有环形和鞍形结构特征 。填料通常由金属制成,故又称为金属环矩鞍填料 。  环形鞍座填料团结了环形填料和鞍形填料的优点 。其整体性能优于鲍尔环和蹊径环,宽泛用于散装包装 。可是没有矩鞍环填料好用 。 三种环保常用填料,你是不是只熟悉矩鞍环填料?逐步看,多看有益无害呢!    1、蹊径环填料 蹊径环填料是对鲍尔环的刷新 。与鲍尔环相比,蹊径环高度减半,并在一端增添了锥形法兰 。    随着纵横比的减小,填料外壁周围的气体的平均路径大大减小,从而降低了气体通过填料层的阻力 。锥形法兰不但增添了填料的机械强度,并且使填料和点接触之间的主要接触,不但增添了填料之间的间隙,并且成为液体流动的网络和疏散点 。填料外貌 。它可以增进液膜的外貌更新,有利于提高传质效率 。    蹊径环的综合性能优于鲍尔环 。可是没有矩鞍环填料好用 。    2、矩鞍环填料 矩鞍环填料将弧鞍填料两头的弧形面改为矩形面,且两面巨细不等,即成为矩鞍环填料 。    矩鞍环填料群集时不会套叠,液体漫衍较匀称 。矩鞍环填料一样平常接纳瓷质质料制成,其性能优于拉西环 。成为所使用的环形填料中较为优良的一种 。    3、金属环矩鞍填料 环形鞍填料(外洋称为Intalox)是一种新型填料,具有环形和鞍形结构特征 。填料通常由金属制成,故又称为金属环矩鞍填料 。    环形鞍座填料团结了环形填料和鞍形填料的优点 。其整体性能优于鲍尔环和蹊径环,宽泛用于散装包装 。可是没有矩鞍环填料好用 。 ? Three kinds of commonly used fillers for environmental protection, do you only know the saddle ring packing? Look slowly, look more useful and harmless! ? 1. Step ring packing The step ring packing is an improvement to the Pall ring. Compared to the Pall ring, the step ring height is halved and a tapered flange is added at one end. ? As the aspect ratio decreases, the average path of gas around the outer wall of the packing is greatly reduced, thereby reducing the resistance of the gas through the packing layer. The tapered flange not only increases the mechanical strength of the packing, but also causes the main contact between the packing and the point contact, which not only increases the gap between the packings, but also becomes the collection and dispersion point of the liquid flow. Filler surface. It can promote the surface renewal of the liquid film and help to improve the mass transfer efficiency. ? The overall performance of the step ring is better than the Pall ring. But no saddle ring packing is easy to use. ? 2, the saddle ring packing The saddle ring packing changes the curved surface at both ends of the arc saddle packing into a rectangular surface, and the sizes of the two sides are different, that is, the saddle ring packing. ? The saddle ring packing does not stack when stacked, and the liquid distribution is relatively uniform. The saddle ring packing is generally made of porcelain material and its performance is better than that of the Raschig ring. It is an excellent one of the annular fillers used. ? 3, metal ring moment saddle filler The annular saddle filler (known locally as Intalox) is a new type of filler with annular and saddle structure features. The filler is usually made of metal, so it is also called metal ring saddle filler. ? The annular saddle packing combines the advantages of an annular packing and a saddle packing. Its overall performance is superior to the Pall ring and step ring, which is widely used in bulk packaging. But no saddle ring packing is easy to use.


现在,VOCs治理还保存许多灾点,如排放源小而散,涉及众多行业;而各行业排放的VOCs种类繁多、因素重大,纵然统一行业,若是质料组成和生产工艺差别,排放的VOCs种类、性子和浓度也不尽相同 。因此,所需手艺蹊径也纷歧样 。?我国对挥发性有机废气的处置惩罚历程主要分为4个阶段:第一阶段,2000年前,处置惩罚局部刺激性或有接纳价值废气,仅对刺激性废气通过水喷淋吸收处置惩罚;第二阶段,2001~2005年,将废气集中 现在,VOCs治理还保存许多灾点,如排放源小而散,涉及众多行业;而各行业排放的VOCs种类繁多、因素重大,纵然统一行业,若是质料组成和生产工艺差别,排放的VOCs种类、性子和浓度也不尽相同 。因此,所需手艺蹊径也纷歧样 。 ? 我国对挥发性有机废气的处置惩罚历程主要分为4个阶段: 第一阶段,2000年前,处置惩罚局部刺激性或有接纳价值废气,仅对刺激性废气通过水喷淋吸收处置惩罚; 第二阶段,2001~2005年,将废气集中网络处置惩罚后以有组织形式排放,废气主要处置惩罚要领为水、碱喷淋两级吸收处置惩罚; 第三阶段,2005年以后,增强源头控制,完善废气集中网络,在第二阶段基础上再经活性炭吸附强化处置惩罚; 第四阶段,2007年以后,最先逐步对挥发性有机废气举行全历程处置惩罚 。 现阶段,我国对工业挥发性有机废气的氧化治理手艺主要包括:光催化氧化、直接燃烧法、催化燃烧手艺及RTO等 。 其中,在燃烧法的基础上生长出来的RTO手艺,由于操作简朴,运行维护较少,对挥发性有机物的去除效率较高,一样平常在95%以上,成为现在我国有机废气治理的主要手艺之一 。 ? RTO,全称RegenerativeThermal Oxidizer,中文译“蓄热式热氧化燃烧”,听着很重大,是不是?不着急,且听小柏逐步道来,首先我们从名字中可以提炼三个焦点信息——蓄热、热氧化、燃烧,可以说这就是RTO事情原理的净化浓缩 。 热氧化、燃烧很好明确,有机物(VOCs)在一定温度下与氧气爆发反应,天生CO2和H2O,并放出一定热量的氧化反应历程,学过化学的同砚们看到此一定是秒懂的,要害什么是“蓄热”呢?怎样蓄热? 这个神秘的蓄热源,得益于RTO中的蓄热体 。若是蓄热体热接纳率越高,说明其蓄积的热量越高,那么氧化废气所需要的热量就响应较低,在处置惩罚历程中就可以消耗很少的燃料或不必耗燃料,在浓度更高时甚至还可向外输出热量举行二次热接纳使用 。 以是热接纳率成为这里边的要害指标之一,它随着蓄热体材质及造型的转变而转变 。 早前,低阶版的蓄热,就是江湖中的TO(气体燃烧炉),其空气预热器为板式或管式,热接纳率国产约50%,德国最大为85% 。 现在,进阶版的蓄热,就是RTO,其空气预热器换成了陶瓷填充床,把废气加热到700℃以上,使废气中的VOC氧化剖析为CO2和H2O,氧化爆发的高温气体流经陶瓷蓄热体,使之升温、蓄热,并用来预热后续进入的有机废气,从而节约废气升温燃料消耗的处置惩罚手艺 。 ? 搞懂了RTO事情原理,接下来相识RTO的家族群,也就简朴多了 。现在处置惩罚VOCs的常见形式有:二室RTO、三室RTO和旋转RTO,凭证需求可设计成五室RTO、七室RTO等结构形式 。 N室RTO以二室RTO、三室为例,以此类推: 二室RTO事情原理 在开工时先将新鲜空气取代有机废气,借燃烧器将蓄热室加热到一定温度 。由于蓄热体具有极高的储热性能,以是从一个冷的RTO加热到一定高的温度,并且还要抵达正常温度漫衍,需要一定的时间 。 正常事情时,其中一个蓄热室已在前一个操作循环中存储了热量,有机废气首先从底部进入该蓄热室,废气通过蓄热体床层被预热到靠近燃烧时温度,而蓄热体同时逐渐被冷却 。 预热后的废气进入顶部燃烧室,在燃烧室中有机物被氧化后,即作为高温净化气进入另一个蓄热室;此时,净化气的热量传给蓄热体,蓄热体床层逐渐被加热,而净化气则被冷却后倾轧 。当被冷却的蓄热体冷却到尚可允许的温度水平时,就应切换气流的偏向,即完成第一个循环 。 切换流向后,有机废气进入已被加热过的蓄热室,反应后的净化气则将热量传给上一循环被冷却的蓄热室,如上所述,完成第二个循环 。 三室RTO事情原理 三室RTO的蓄热室同时举行操作:当第一台蓄热室处于被冷却而废气被预热的阶段时(冷周期),第二台蓄热室正处于被净化气加热的历程(热周期),而第三台蓄热室则在冲洗(洗濯周期) 。因此,当一个循环后,废气始终进入到在上一循环时倾轧净化气的蓄热室,而原来进入废气的蓄热室则用净化气(或空气)冲洗,并将残留的未反应废气送回到反应室举行氧化,然后与净化气一起从冲洗过的蓄热室倾轧 。 ? 在旋转RTO中,刷新的焦点部位仍然是蓄热体 。旋转式RTO主要由燃烧室、陶瓷填充床和旋转阀等组成 。旋转RTO的蓄热体中设置分格板,将蓄热体床层分为几个自力的扇形区 。废气从底部经进气分派器进入预热区,使气体温度预热到一定温度后进入顶部的燃烧室,并完全氧化 。 净化后的高温气体脱离氧化室,进入冷却区,将热量传给蓄热体而气体被冷却,并通过气体分派器倾轧 。而冷却区的陶瓷蓄热体吸热,贮存大宗的热量(用于下个循环加热废气) 。 为避免未反应的废气随蓄热体的旋转进入净化气出口去,当蓄热体旋转到净化器出口区之前,设有一扇形区作为冲洗区 。 通过蓄热体的旋转,蓄热体被周期性的冷却和加热,同时废气被预热和净化器冷却 。云云一直地交替举行 。 ? At present, there are still many difficulties in VOCs governance. For example, the emission sources are small and scattered, involving many industries. The VOCs emitted by various industries are various in variety and complex. Even in the same industry, if the raw material composition and production process are different, the types and properties of VOCs emitted are different. And the concentration is not the same. Therefore, the required technical route is different. ? China's treatment of volatile organic waste gas is mainly divided into four stages: The first stage, 2000 years ago, the treatment of local irritating or recycled value of exhaust gas, only the irritating exhaust gas through the water spray absorption treatment; In the second stage, from 2001 to 2005, the exhaust gas was collected and treated in an organized manner, and the main treatment method of the exhaust gas was water and alkali spray two-stage absorption treatment; The third stage, after 2005, strengthen the source control, improve the centralized collection of exhaust gas, and then strengthen the treatment by activated carbon adsorption on the basis of the second stage; In the fourth stage, after 2007, the whole process of volatile organic waste gas is gradually processed. At this stage, China's oxidation control technology for industrial volatile organic waste gases mainly includes: photocatalytic oxidation, direct combustion, catalytic combustion technology and RTO. Among them, the RTO technology developed on the basis of the combustion method, because of simple operation, less operation and maintenance, high removal efficiency of volatile organic compounds, generally more than 95%, has become one of the main technologies of organic waste gas treatment in China. . ? RTO, the full name RegenerativeThermal Oxidizer, Chinese translation "regenerative thermal oxidation combustion", listening is very complicated, isn't it? Don't worry, and listen to Xiaobai slowly. First of all, we can extract three core information from the name - heat storage, thermal oxidation, and combustion. It can be said that this is the purification and concentration of RTO working principle. Thermal oxidation and combustion are well understood. Organic compounds (VOCs) react with oxygen at a certain temperature to form CO2 and H2O, and emit a certain amount of heat in the oxidation reaction process. Students who have studied chemistry can see this in seconds. What is the key to "heat storage"? How to store heat? This mysterious heat storage source benefits from the regenerator in the RTO. If the heat recovery rate of the regenerator is higher, indicating that the higher the heat accumulated, the heat required to oxidize the exhaust gas is correspondingly lower,

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